St. Vincent De Paul Society (S.V.D.P)

The St. Vincent De Paul Society is a lay led initiative that was founded over 170 year ago by Fredric Ozanam. The society take there name from St. Vincent De Paul a French saint whose good works of charity earned him Sainthood. It is from the actions of St. Vincent De Paul that the society named after him draws strength.

There main focus is firstly prayer, praying for their own spiritual development but also praying for those in our society who are less fortunate. Another action that the Society takes is in providing for those people who are less fortunate, whether that be food, furnisher or financial aid the Society is there to help.

If you or anyone you know in our parish would require the help of St. Vincent De Paul or if you would like to join the Society yourself please call: 07927 453 236.

Hall Committee

Within our parish we have our Parochial Hall, that is available for hire for the local community and also for private hire. For the smooth running of the Hall a Hall Committee has been put in place.

They are responsible for various tasks in the parish, primarily dealing with the day to day running of the hall, ensuring that it is open for the various events that happen. They also meet to discuss the various parish events that happen in the Hall they also discuss the upkeep of the building.

If you feel that you would like to join the Hall Committee please speak to the Parish Priest.

Altar Servers

The group of Altar Servers we have in our Parish are committed and extremely helpful. This group are responsible for serving with the priest during the Mass and various liturgies within the life of our parish. If you know if anyone who wishes to join please speak to one of the priests in our parish.

Children’s Liturgy

The Children’s Liturgy runs on a Sunday during the Mass. This dedicated team of volunteers help unpack the gospel and the theme of the mass at a level that our children will understand. If this something that you feel that you wish to contribute to please do not hesitate to get in touch.


This group of people meet every Wednesday at 7:30pm for a game of Bingo. All are welcome to attend.

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